해외공모전 해석&리뷰
해외 건축 공모전-thehomecompetition [OUTRE]해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2021. 11. 8. 02:45
“The home, along with its elements is deemed as one’s most comfortable environment, where interactions between the occupants and the elements occur repetitively over the span of one’s time in it. Therefore, routinary interactions with the architecture and the objects of the home get embedded in one’s subconscious, rendering usages of domestic elements nearly thoughtless. This is reinforced when ..
해외 건축 공모전-archoutloud warming competition [FARMER'S KIT]해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2021. 11. 2. 22:40
Floods are one of the most significant natural disasters in the agricultural industry, accounting for 43% of documented disasters. Currently, flood-induced reduction of the food supply is between 5% and 8%. Farmer's Kit addresses how citizens might adapt to rising temperatures and sea levels when climate change has left much of the city underwater in 2080. 기록된 재해의 43%를 차지하는 홍수는 농업 산업에서 가장 심각한 자..
해외 공모전 수상작-thehomecompetition [A HOME IS NOT A PROPERTY]해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2021. 11. 1. 02:18
Domestic architecture has to find ways to hack the code, to form a healthy local communality expanding it to the dehumanized and the faux environments, to oppose pervasive compartmentalization. Modes of consumption of space have to be reinvented to cut the ground from under established practices of property rights and their financial speculative instrumentalization. 비인간화되고 가짜 환경으로 확장하고 있는 지역 공동체..
해외 건축 공모전-thehomecompetition2020 [UNHOMELINESS]해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2021. 10. 28. 20:13
“the border between home and the world becomes confused: and, uncannily, the private and the public become part of each other, forcing upon us a vision that is as divided as it is disorienting.” -Bhabha, Homi K. ‘The World and the Home’ "가정과 세계의 경계가 혼란스러워지고, 기이하게도 사적인 것과 공적인 것이 서로의 일부가 되어 혼란스러울 정도로 분열된 비전을 우리에게 강요합니다." For most of us, home is permeant, private and secure; however, home can be te..
해외 건축 공모전-the home competition2020 우승작 [SHADOW HOUSING]해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2021. 10. 27. 22:32
매년 열리는 집에 관한 해외 건축 공모전 thehomecompetition2020의 우승작이다. Shadow Housing is a model for collective living in a post-pandemic era: an open-air live/work commons that configures new domestic schedules of work and care through an architecture of light and shadows. As COVID-19 ruptures the boundary between the office and the home, the available time for domestic labor such as cooking or childcare is bei..
해외 건축 공모전 해석&리뷰_arch out loud_Korean DMZ Underground Bathhouse 01해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2020. 12. 20. 16:17
38th parallel is not a thin superficial line, rather a thickened situation: it has been solidified by accumulation of ambivalent emotions - tensions and relaxations - between North and South. In the proposed bathhouse, represented as a ‘metaphorical theater’, visitors (actors/audiences) coming from each side reproduce the process of such solidification while walking down the double helix ramp; e..
해외 건축 공모전 수상작 해석&리뷰_arch out loud_KOREAN DMZ Underground Bathhouse 머릿말해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2020. 12. 15. 22:49
2020.12.14 오랜 시간 손을 멀리해왔던 블로그를 군대에 와서 다시 시작하게 되었다. 개인정비 시간 또는 연등시간에 틈틈히 와서 건축과 가구에 대해서 글을 쓸 예정이다. 이번에 해석할 공모전은 한반도의 DMZ 지역을 주제로 한다. 굉장히 오랫만에 이 사이트를 방문하였는데 해외 공모전에서 그것도 DMZ를 사이트로 내놓은 것을 보고 깜짝 놀랐다. 마침 군대에 있으니 당분간은 이 주제로 리뷰를 계속할 것 같다. 이 공모전의 관건은 국경 지대 -그것도 휴전 중인 국가의 비무장지대- 에서 건물이 어떤 역할을 할 것이며 양국의 긴장감을 어떻게 해소하는 것이 될 것이다. What is context underground? Architecture contributes, agrees, conforms, reacts..
해외 건축 공모전 수상작 해석&리뷰 arch out loud_Home 07해외공모전 해석&리뷰 2019. 4. 3. 11:57
Our proposal, Ecētra, furthers our ambition to bring together two types of spaces, and to represent a third unrealized type of space. The first type of space is PreModern space, where our use of poché simultaneously endorses existing human spatial proportions of scale and sequence, yet denies fundamental ideas of axial or symmetrical relationships. The second type of space is Modern space, where..